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Is Vision Relevant in 2016?

Is Vision Relevant in 2016?

In 2011, I asked What Happened to Vision? It generated a fascinating, thought-provoking conversation. When presenting my question, I had noted: Studies of high performing organizations show over and over again that shared vision is one of the key differentiators. As...

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A Time for Giving Leadership

A Time for Giving Leadership

Guest Post by Bob Burg and John David Mann We’re in the silly season, the time of U.S. presidential primaries, and one effect of the media assault is that it makes us examine this thing, this force in our lives, called “leadership.” It’s easy to think of leadership as...

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Leadership Love is a Competitive Advantage

Leadership Love is a Competitive Advantage

Guest Post by Matt Tenney Some people think the word love should not be used in a business context. But love is one of the most powerful and unifying leadership attributes. Loving the people around us is incredibly rewarding personally and helps achieve better...

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Stop Holding Meetings That Don’t Matter

Stop Holding Meetings That Don’t Matter

Most managers spend about 35% to 50% of their time in meetings. And most team members report it is a waste of time. This is because they are meetings that don't matter to anyone other than the team leader. Although it is not clearly stated, the purpose of most...

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Lincoln’s Secret to Greatness

Lincoln’s Secret to Greatness

Is greatness an attribute reserved for only a few special people? Abraham Lincoln didn't think so. He believed we are each capable of greatness. Most of the good of the world builds on the accumulated efforts of everyday people doing small things in a great way. A...

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Great Leaders Assume a Listening Attitude

Great Leaders Assume a Listening Attitude

“I would knock on his door and ask if he had a moment to talk. He'd set aside what he was doing, sit back, and give me his full attention. He was a busy man, but he made me feel there was nothing more important than what I had to say,” Andres reminisced. “Were you his...

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