How to Easily Evaluate the Quality of Research
A lot of numbers are thrown at us everyday by people who want to convince us to agree with them. A good study adds credibility to the point being made. But not all studies are credible. In The Price of Freedom is Personal Responsibility, I shared tips and tools to...
Accuracy on the Internet: The Price of Freedom is Personal Responsibility
The Internet is one of the final frontiers. Untamed and unregulated, it offers huge opportunity for individual freedom in exploration and communication. With a smartphone, you have access to anything you want to know at all times. However, the price of this great...
Criticism, Boundaries and Useful Feedback
Larry was clearly angry. Carl had used his tools (again) without asking, and even worse, hadn’t returned them (again). Larry told me he had given Carl some "tough feedback." He told Carl that he was self-centered and insensitive, and in the future he needed to ask for...
Growth occurs at the edge of your comfort zone
Thursday Thoughts: Too much time in the safety of your comfort zone leads to stagnation. Too much time outside your comfort zone is anxiety-producing. If you want to grow, dance along the edge of your comfort zone. Take a step over every once in awhile, and then come...
How to Bridge the Generation Gap in the Workplace
Guest post by Dan Negroni The generation gap in the workplace appears daunting. All sorts of reports describe how huge it is. But bridging the generation gap is not as difficult as it might seem. Real leaders already know how to effectively manage millennials. How?...
A Leadership Conundrum: Unexpected Sources of Leadership
Leadership is not something you can provide. The definition of provide is “to offer, give, supply, or make available for use.” You can provide food, shelter, and even sympathy. But leadership is not a matter of simply “offering” or “providing.” For leadership to...
A definition of leadership for these pressing times
It’s pretty common these days to hear complaints about lack of leadership, poor leadership, and disappointment with those who are in leadership roles. In a recent World Economic Forum survey, 86% of the respondents reported they believe there is a leadership crisis in...
Successful leaders understand true power
Thursday Thoughts: Successful leaders understand that true power comes, not from exercising control, but from empowering others. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In addition to my...
Why Smart People Make Dumb Decisions
Did you ever find your self in a mess and wonder how you got there? There’s no guarantee your decisions are always going to be good ones. Too much is unpredictable. However, many of us have had the experience of looking back on a situation and thinking “I should have...
10 Awful Truths Every Leader Needs to Know
You might get away with ignoring these truths for the short term. You can rally people with charisma and through fear for the short term. But if you care about the long term, to successfully face today's challenges, leaders need to know how to deal with these 10...
Q&A with Jesse Stoner on Challenges Facing Leaders Today
I was recently on a panel looking at the future of leadership. Here are my thoughts on how leaders can face today's challenges in a way that prepares organizations for the future. What do you think are the biggest challenges facing leaders today? One challenge is the...
2016 ConantLeadership Award
I was honored to receive the 2016 ConantLeadership Award Click here to read about the award and my response to their questions: 1. Top tips you would give to a leader who is looking to deliver results in a quality way? 2. A lesson you learned from a crucible moment in...