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Rising to the Challenge Before Us – LEADING FORWARD

I am honored that Irene Becker has allowed me to share her powerful guest post. There is an important message here - a vision of what can be, a sobering description of our challenges, and a Call to Action. Although this is a longer post, I urge you to take the time to...

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Judgment Calls

I understand the desire to study great leaders. It is my own habit as well. I gobble up biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Jr., Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and currently Steve Jobs. But I read because I am...

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1001 Mid-Course Corrections

1001 Mid-Course Corrections

I once heard that in order to reach the moon, NASA made over a thousand mid-course corrections.   At first I was surprised. If you know where you’re going, why not just plot the course, like they do on Star Trek? But then I realized it's a perfect metaphor for a trap...

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