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Three Blogging Essentials

Three Blogging Essentials

After five years of writing my weekly leadership blog, I have taken some time to reflect on what has contributed to its success. These are my major lessons learned on how to establish a blog that people want to read. Three Blogging Essentials 1. Content, content,...

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How to Write a Blog People Want to Read

How to Write a Blog People Want to Read

This is the 5th anniversary of my blog! With over a half million views last year and near the top of almost every list of best leadership blogs, it has been successful beyond anything I had imagined. I am passing along the biggest the lessons I’ve learned. In this...

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Self-disclosure, Leadership and Trust

Self-disclosure, Leadership and Trust

One of the leadership dimensions that often gets marked lowest on 360 assessments is the one related to “disclosing information about self.” When reviewing assessment results with coaching clients, I have noticed that those who are rated low on this trait are often...

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It’s Time to Take a Stand for a #TrueLeaderCreed

The news these days is filled with disturbing accounts of bad leadership behavior. The current U.S. elections have been particularly contentious… with attacks on the personal instead of the issues… reinforcing fear instead of articulating a vision for the country....

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The Dimensions of Trust

The Dimensions of Trust

Trust is like a bank account. You start a new relationship with a certain amount of trust, and then over time you add to that account to build a solid foundation. And like a bank account, it can be emptied overnight if you’re not careful about your investment. Why...

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If You’re Careful Enough

If You’re Careful Enough

Thursday Thoughts  "If you're careful enough, nothing bad or good will ever happen to you." ~ Ashleigh Brilliant *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       * In addition to my regular leadership blog, I...

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The True Test of a Vision

The True Test of a Vision

The true test of a vision is whether it continues to inspire and guide people after the leader is gone. Consider the seamless transition at Southwest Airlines when founder Herb Kelleher stepped down compared with Disney's two decades of floundering after the death of...

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