3 Powerful Questions To Start and End Your Day
Your questions determine the quality of your answers. They determine the quality of your day. A good question will get you a lot farther than a quick answer. 3 Powerful Questions To Start Your Day Start your day with focus and energy by taking a few moments to answer...
The 9 Essential Leadership Strategies in The Age of Information
Once upon a time, in a land called Industrial Age, the leaders of organizations resided at the top of a hierarchy, managers were in the middle, and workers were supervised. It was the job of leaders to do the important thinking and the job of managers and supervisors...
How to Change Someone Who Doesn’t Want to Change
Strong Leaders Ask For Help
If you are in a leadership role, chances are you believe it’s better to give than to receive. Which means you also probably believe you should … always be competent … never make mistakes … always be strong and that you should only receive when you have something to...
Small Companies Need Clear Values
Springtime reminds me of fruit trees and the power of values-driven companies - or more accurately - the cost of NOT being one. Small companies often think they don’t need to bother with things like mission and values - that those are things for large companies. Big...
Situational Team Decision-Making: Collaboration Does Not Require Consensus
There are six ways teams can make decisions. Some people believe that in a collaborative environment, consensus is the best. But that’s a big mistake. Pushing for consensus when it's not needed actually makes collaboration more difficult. The best collaborative...
Why Nobody Noticed You Changed and 5 Things You Can Do To Make Change Stick
Did you ever get feedback that your behavior was having a negative impact on others? Perhaps you were told you’re too critical… or don’t listen enough… or are micro-managing your team… or even the other end - that you’re not involved enough? Have you ever worked hard...
Vision and Execution Are Not Sequential
One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is moving from vision to execution as though it’s a linear process. The widely held assumption is they are two ends of a spectrum: Vision is about planning. Execution is about action. The truth is: Vision requires action to be...
To Be a Better Leader You Must Kill Your Darlings
According to Faulkner, Ginsberg and many great writers, if you are particularly proud of a piece of writing, chances are it’s self-indulgent, stands out, and does not serve the greater good of your work. The saying goes: "you must kill your darlings" – delete them....
Think You Can Lead Without a Vision? Think Again
Think you can lead without a vision? Think again. Leadership is about going somewhere. How do you know where you're going if you don't have a vision? Vision makes work meaningful. Vision helps us feel connected to something larger than ourselves. A shared vision helps...
The Power of an Emergent Network
Last week several of us launched a social media driven fundraiser for our friend and colleague Jamie Showkeir who is courageously facing ALS. In just one week we sailed past our goal and raised over $60,000! I am thrilled for my friend, and it has reaffirmed my belief...
Are You Compromising Your Future?
Guest Post by Frank Sonnenberg For some folks in the business world, living in the “here and now” means seeking instant gratification. So they request favors five minutes into a new relationship, hold “fire sales” rather than building customer loyalty, and bark orders...