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The 10 WORST Popular Leadership Quotes

The 10 WORST Popular Leadership Quotes

Great leadership quotes inspire and guide us. They become part of our mainstream language and instilled in our culture. We accept them as a reflection of the ideal, aspire to live them and use them when teaching others about leadership. But sometimes a quote takes...

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How to Delegate Effectively and Minimize the Risk

How to Delegate Effectively and Minimize the Risk

Delegating is often one of the hardest things for a manager to do. You give away your authority to make decisions but are still responsible for the outcome if something goes wrong. Often managers don’t delegate because they hold one or more of these beliefs. Do any...

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Three Ways Millennials Are Expanding Collaboration

Guest Post by Jon Mertz Millennials are more connected than any other generation before them. Through social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, they connect with others far and near. Collaboration around problem-solving and purpose-enabling activities...

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What is Vision?

What is Vision?

"Vision is knowing who you are, where you're going and what will guide your journey." - Ken Blanchard and Jesse Stoner Who you are - is your purpose Where you're going - is your picture of the future What will guide your journey - are your values The Three Elements of...

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4 Ways Leadership Drift Can Catch You Unaware

4 Ways Leadership Drift Can Catch You Unaware

Are you enthusiastic about your work? When you reflect on your day at work, do you feel a deep sense of satisfaction? Is the person you are at work the same as the person you are outside of work? If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” it’s possible you might...

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