by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Collaboration, Leading Change |
If you are tired of “trickle-down” change, consider using a collaborative change process where a large slice of your organization comes together for real conversation and to make decisions about your collective future in real-time. This kind of...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Leading Change |
Chris is unhappy at work. He thinks the work is boring, and he doesn’t like his boss or co-workers. Why doesn’t he quit? The answer lies in Newton’s First Law: An object continues to do whatever it happens to be doing and resists change unless an unbalancing force is...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Culture and Workplace Environment, Leadership, Leading Change |
Imagine leading the charge into battle and at the crest of the hill, turning around and discovering there are no troops behind you. This was the situation the leaders of Southern New England Telephone Company (SNET) faced in 1994 when Connecticut deregulated the local...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Attitudes and Mindset, Leadership, Leading Change, Vision and Strategy |
I don’t need a crystal ball to see what will be required of leaders in the future. All I need to do is look around. Most of the companies I work with these days are multi-national. They are expanding, becoming larger and more complex as they seek to establish a...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Collaboration, Culture and Workplace Environment, Leadership, Leading Change, Vision and Strategy |
Leadership is about going somewhere. Whether you are facing challenges as a result of changes in the economy, new opportunities because of advances in technology, or already have a good idea you want to implement, these five lessons can make the difference between a...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Communication, Leading Change, Personal Effectiveness |
Have you ever tried changing a behavior and no one noticed you were different? It’s not uncommon. Jim was a “hands-on boss.” He had high standards and his team performed well. However, they depended on him for almost all decisions, and as a result he...