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Seeing is Achieving

Today's post is a guest post by Mark Goulston, M.D. This article first appeared in the Los Angeles Times, distributed by Tribune Media Services. Dr. Goulston is a business psychiatrist, executive coach and author of Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through...

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Diagnose and Cure Team Drift

This week's blog post has been published in the Harvard Business Review. Click here to read it. One of the most common complaints I hear from managers is, "I want to re-energize our team. We used to be cohesive and enjoy working together. Now everyone is focused on...

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Be the Boss You’d Like to Have

The friendly gentleman sitting next to me on the airplane said: “I like my boss because he is genuinely interested in me and what I’m doing.  He doesn’t just ask generally how things are going, he says, ‘how’s the [specific] project going?’ I know he’s paying...

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What Happened to Vision? Your Thoughts?

Here's a question I have been mulling over for awhile. I don't have the answer and am hoping your responses will help provide some clarity. In the 1980’s and 90’s there was great interest in the topic of vision. Countless books, articles, and studies addressed the...

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The Empty Carriage: A Leadership Lesson

The Empty Carriage: A Leadership Lesson

A story is told that one day as Elimelech of Lizhensk, a great rabbi in the 18th century, was riding in a carriage, he noticed a throng of people following. He asked his coachman, “Why are all the people trailing behind?” The coachman explained that the people wanted...

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