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Four Strategies to Make Your Vision a Reality

Four Strategies to Make Your Vision a Reality

Guest post by Todd Nielsen Vision, strategy, and goals are important …but they are not enough. One of the greatest challenges in business—and frankly, one of the greatest challenges in life—is doing the things necessary to make one’s vision a reality. To ensure the...

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Collaborate or Do It Alone? 3 Guidelines to Decide

“I think collaboration can be a good idea and I probably should involve others more in decision-making. But it really slows things down. I can’t involve people in every little detail or we’ll never get anything done around here,” Jim remarked, waiting for my response....

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Why Should I Hire You?

In this guest post, Thabo Hermanus, owner of a recruitment firm in South Africa, offers sage advice that is helpful for people at all stages of their career, not just those actively seeking a new job. Your life is one big interview! People tend to think that the...

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