The 12 Team Skills of Brilliant Teams
When Casey got the award at the annual meeting, no one was surprised. He was a marketing genius, and his team’s success was unparalleled in the history of the company. He was clearly a rising star. The problem was, his fellow team members thought he was a pain in the...
Looking for Vision? She’s Out Walking the Streets in Stilettos
Considering the compelling case for the value of vision, it's strikingly absent these days. Recent research by Kouzes and Posner demonstrates that "being forward-looking is the quality that most separates leaders from individual contributors." However, “it’s something...
The Value of Vision Series – An Interview With Doug Conant
I had the pleasure of interviewing Doug Conant, newly appointed Non-Executive Chairman of Avon and the former President and CEO of Campbell Soup, where he led the company through a dramatic transformation, reversing the declining trend in earnings and employee...
The Value of Vision Series – Mike Myatt
Is Vision Relevant Today? Mike Myatt CEO, N2growth on The Value of Vision In a word – YES! I’ve always said, leadership without vision is like trying to drive blind – it won’t end well. The best evidence of the importance of vision is what occurs in its absence–...
The Value of Vision Series – Tanvi Gautam
Vision: It’s All About the (Im)possible Story Dr. Tanvi Gautam Past perfect tense I recall that evening quite vividly. I was at the end of the first year of my PhD program at the Katz Graduate School of Business. My father, also an academic and a strong role model...
The Value of Vision Series – Kate Emery
Crossing The Threshold Kate Emery, CEO of The Walker Group and Founder of reSET Social Enterprise Trust Yesterday we opened our new social enterprise incubator and co-working space to 60 community friends. Upon seeing the space full of people, energy, and ideas, I...
The Value of Vision Series – Daniel Burrus
Futureview: A Roadmap for Growth and Prosperity by Daniel Burrus On May 25, 1961, in his “Special Message to the Congress on Urgent Needs,” a young president painted an insanely bold picture of our future in the language of a dare: We’ll put a man on the moon and get...
The Value of Vision Series – Whitney Johnson
Whitney Johnson is a leading thinker on driving innovation via personal disruption and a co-founder of Clayton Christensen's investment firm Rose Park Advisors. A TEDx speaker, author of Dare, Dream, Do: Remarkable Things Happen When You Dare to Dream, and regular...
The Value of Vision Series – Ken Blanchard
A Leadership Vision for America: Rebuilding a Divided House Ken Blanchard Almost every dinner conversation I have been a part of in the last few years at some point gets around to how disappointed everyone seems to be with what’s going on in Washington. The...
The Value of Vision Series – Shilpa Jain
SEEing the Change Shilpa Jain “Is vision over-sold and over-rated? Why does vision matter in today's world? What's vision got to do with leadership?” When Jesse Stoner asked me to write this blog, the idea that the value of vision was even a question surprised me....
The Value of Vision Series – Kouzes and Posner
Focusing on the Future Sets Leaders Apart Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner We've all had a glimpse of the future. You know, that time when you imagined running your own business... or that dream of traveling to an exotic place... or that bold idea for a game-changing new...