Organizational Change Can Start Wherever You Are
Do you wish senior leaders would make some changes in your organization? Instead of waiting and wishing for someone from above to provide leadership, you can make a significant impact no matter what your role is. According to Steven Covey said, "Most people think of...
Make Your Next Meeting as Engaging as a Video Game
Guest Post by Dick Axelrod Are meetings in your organization places where productivity goes to die? If you answered yes, you are not alone. There are 11 million meetings a day in the U.S. alone. Half are ineffective. The problem with most meetings is that meeting...
My Leadership Lessons as Executive Director
Today begins my last week as executive director of the Berrett-Koehler Foundation. This is the second time I’ve done this with an organization—served as executive director during the startup phase—and I’ve learned many lessons along the way. My involvement began two...
Stay Focused on Your Vision
Stay focused on your vision and take the first step.
What I Learned about Vision Casting
Guest Post by Dan Rockwell @LeadershipFreak (Jedi Master of leadership lessons in less than 300 words) I thought vision casting was about me. Jesse Lyn Stoner taught me that vision is about us. I used to craft the vision and spring it on my team. I’d declare, “Here’s...
An Interview with Jake Jacobs on Real Time Strategic Change
I was delighted to catch up with Jake Jacobs, the creator of Real Time Strategic Change (RTSC), the approach that brings hundreds of people together to make collaborative decisions about their organization in real time, which I described in Try Collaborative Change...
Tune In and Turn Off
Technology gives us the opportunity to be “always on” and the illusion of increased productivity. The reality is that it’s not healthy, and over the long run you will be less productive. Even understanding this, it can be hard to resist the pressure to quickly check...
How to REALLY Listen
My friend Jake said, “When someone tells me about a problem, I used to try to help them solve it. But I’ve learned that simply listening can be more helpful than the best advice I might give.” Jake is not alone. Many of us equate listening with problem-solving, and we...
Results Driven vs Process Driven Leadership
During a break in the meeting, Dan pulled me aside and whispered, “No more ‘p’ words, please.” “What are ‘p’ words?” I asked. “You know,” he replied, “Words like process, perspective and paradigm.” Dan is results-driven. There were way too many "p" words in this...
TweetChat: An Exciting New Way to Learn, Connect, and Explore Emergent Leadership
I had the honor of being invited to guest host the India HR Twitter Chat this past week, with two of my favorite leadership experts Tanmay Vora and Tanvi Guatam. The #IndiaHRChat is attended by many experienced business leaders and HR professionals who tackle meaty...
Create a Team Charter to Go Faster and Smarter
Victor's team had recently delivered a couple of large projects, and he was pleased with their performance. But there was feedback that they were feeling burned out, and two people had recently requested transfers. When I suggested creating a Team Charter, he told me,...
The Best Way to Predict Your Future
"The best way to predict your future is to create it." - This popular quote is attributed to Peter Drucker. But what does it really mean? Do you muscle your way into the future, constructing your life as though it's a project? If you try to do that, you'll be...