by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Leadership |
Where Do You Sit On the Scale? Are you under-delegating? Are you a control-freak? Are you delegating too much? Are you an absentee manager? Are you erratic in doing both? Are you a seagull manager? Problems arise when you are too far on either end of the scale. When...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Vision and Strategy |
The Full Steam Ahead! Roadmap This is a “how to” post – for leaders and team members who want to create a shared vision. Over the years I have written blog posts that provide an explanation of each of these steps. Here I connect the dots by linking...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Collaboration, Leading Change |
If you are tired of “trickle-down” change, consider using a collaborative change process where a large slice of your organization comes together for real conversation and to make decisions about your collective future in real-time. This kind of...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Uncategorized |
It feels like a déjà vu. As 2013 draws to a close, here I am again sitting by a warm fire on a wintery Sunday night in New England, just as I did exactly a year ago, reflecting on the year and taking the opportunity to identify my top posts. Again, I have turned this...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Attitudes and Mindset, Goals, Vision and Strategy |
This is a lovely moment. The darkest day of the darkest week of the year in the northern hemisphere. It is the moment before the balance shifts and light begins to overtake darkness. On the winter solstice, the rhythm of the sun pauses as it changes direction...