5 Ways Millennials Will Shape the Future of Work
How to Delegate So the Gain Outweighs the Pain

Grace Hearth
Is it possible to earn a living, have fun and make a difference in the world? Jocelyn Jackson and Keri Keifer have figured out how.

Their business Grace Hearth might be considered a catering company – they cater all sizes of events, from weddings and meetings to small social gatherings.

But the first time I saw their video, I quickly realized they were in the same business I am – building community – only through food instead of facilitating dialogue.

Grace Hearth provides food for all types of occasions, but as Jocelyn and Keri explain in their video, they are actually in the “nourishing business.”

I was so excited after watching this video, I had to interview the owners to learn more about how they see their business. According to Jocelyn Jackson:

A lot of people focus on the conveniences of food, like eating cheaply or getting full, and miss out on having a much richer experience. How does your relationship change with the food you are eating if you know it was grown locally or if you know the people you are getting it from? One of the best compliments we get is when people say to us, “I can feel the love in your food.” And I hear that all the time!

What business are you really in?

What business you are really in is not about your products or services. It is about the experience you create – the end result of your efforts. Grace Hearth is in the nourishing business, not the catering business. They provide catering services, but their end-result is nourishment.

When everyone in your company understands what business you are really in, they see how their contribution makes a difference. Work is more meaningful and fun.

When your customers understand what business you are in, you attract more of the right customers who will fully utilize your services.

This is true for teams as well.

An accounting department I was consulting with believed their purpose was to collect and organize financial information. They were frustrated because they were not held in high regard and leaders did not supply them with timely data. Once they redefined their purpose as to provide accurate, timely information and advice to guide leaders in wise financial decision making everything changed dramatically because their purpose required that they act differently.

This is also true for individuals.

How do you describe the work you do? Are you laying bricks or building a cathedral? When work is meaningful, it is not hard. It is joyful. Just watch the Grace Hearth video to see this in action.

Discover the real value of your work by uncovering its purpose.

You don’t have to change jobs to create a meaningful work life. Chances are, a deeper purpose is already embedded in it and just needs to be uncovered.

Instead of thinking about the services and products you provide, think about the experience your customer or end-user desires. From their viewpoint, ask, “What do they really want or need from me?

Consider these questions:

1. Who is affected by my work and what I accomplish? What experience do they want to have? What experience do I want them to have?

2. What is distinct or unique about what I do?

3. What contribution do I make? and to what or to whom?

4. How do my activities support a larger effort? What greater purpose do I serve?

5. What part of my work brings me joy? When do I feel most fulfilled?

5 Ways Millennials Will Shape the Future of Work
How to Delegate So the Gain Outweighs the Pain

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Seapoint Center for Collaborative Leadership
Grace Hearth
Top Leadership Expert 2015