The Most Important Risk in Life: Be You
What Brain Science Can Teach Us About Leadership


Welcome to The Carnival of HR. This is one of my favorite carnivals, and I am delighted to host this edition. We have been treated to a wonderful lineup of thought-provoking posts on leadership, workforce practices and talent development, and building relationships. So, sit back, relax and enjoy. The carnival has begun!


Dan McCarthy of Great Leadership Blog points out that “even decent managers sometimes say things to their employees, with good intentions, that may come across as condescending.” We all need to pay attention to these 8 Condescending Things a Manager Should Avoid Saying to an Employee.

In Ursula Burns – The power of strong female leadershipDorothy Dalton, at 3 Plus International, shares lessons learned from the CEO of Xerox, “a flagship company when it comes to women role models and their influence.”

Linda Fisher Thornton of the Leading in Context Blog explains that leadership is not about us. It’s about bringing out the best in people and organizations in Leading To Bring Out Their Best.

In The Ego Evolution of LeadersLieven Verbrugge at the eSkill Blog warns us that, “It is almost a fixed pattern. As soon as leaders get a little bit of power or success, there is a fair chance that their ego will get corrupted.”

Jennifer V. Miller of The People Equation offers a personal observation about her son’s first day of middle school and a leadership lesson learned in Leadership Worry Strips Away Confidence.

Jesse Lyn Stoner warns leaders to be alert to the early warning signs of these 7 situations in Why Good Teams Make Bad Decisions. 


Workforce Practices and Talent Development

According to Julie Winkle Giulioni, recent data reveals that the greatest workforce skill gaps relate to soft skills and leadership. Find out more in Hard Data about the Soft Skills Gap.

In Punctuated Equilibrium and Talent Development, Wally Bock explains that when looking at career or talent development, it’s important to remember that people don’t develop slowly and gradually. They do it in a cycle consisting of bursts of development followed by quieter periods.

Sharlyn Laubry, the HR Bartender, reminds us that Part-time Employees Need Engagement Too. 

John Hunter of The W. Edwards Deming Institute Blog explores how Deming would respond in What to Do When Individual Performance is Exceptional.

In Setting Employee Goals, Ben Eubanks makes a case for allowing employees to select their own performance goals.

Anita Lettink warns us not to be fooled or stressed by all the trends coming your way in Keep Calm and HR On.

What Basic Employee Entitlements Are Most Important?  Ian Welsh lists some entitlements that he believes are key to a harmonious and efficient working environment.

Katie Richard at The Change Board Blog reports there are 993,000 people aged 16-24 unemployed in the UK. She offers some excellent suggestions on how HR can play an active role in making a difference in Why Gen-Y Needs Your Help.


Building Your Relationships

How do you figure out the words that will help you connect with an individual or an entire audience? Steve Roesler of All Things Workplace offers up a combination of questions and “word types” that will help you make that important link in Use Words That Connect.

Doug Shaw shares a post on Connections written by his wise ten year old daughter Keira.

Amit Bhagria discusses his own experience as a line manager and what to do when your HR manager doesn’t support you. 

The Most Important Risk in Life: Be You
What Brain Science Can Teach Us About Leadership

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