Thinking About Career Change? #Podcast Interview With Beverly Kaye
How many jobs do you expect to hold in your lifetime? For baby boomers, research says the number is close to 12. The prediction is this number will be a lot higher for the younger generations. So how can you make the best choices about your multiple career moves? A...
How to Take a Stand Without Polarizing Others
Are you fatigued and disheartened by the current amount of polarization in the world today? Are you frustrated with leadership that divides instead of unites? Instead of wishing someone would do something about it and feeling helpless, focus on the place you have the...
Successful leaders are intensely curious
Thursday Thoughts Successful leaders are intensely curious. Instead of giving quick answers, they ask great questions. Be curious! A good question can take you a lot farther than a quick answer! * * * * * * * * ...
Don’t let team drift run your team aground
You might be suffering from team drift and not know it. We’ve all heard stories of individuals who wake up one morning and wonder how they had drifted so far from their original hopes and dreams. The same thing can happen to teams. One of the most common complaints I...
How to Involve Your Team in Creating Vision and Strategy
One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is thinking they are supposed to have all the answers, especially when it comes to vision. There is a natural desire to look like you are smart and know what you’re doing. But sometimes the smartest thing you can do is to...
Wax on… and on… and on… or Wax Off the Seesaw
When the moon grows, it waxes. When it declines, it wanes. Waxing is a good thing. We use it in expressions like, “He waxed eloquently“ or “She waxed lyrical." But what about someone who “waxes on and on" - not so good. Waxing is a good thing IF it doesn't go on too...
The Space Between Coaching and Delegating
Your ability to develop a high performance team lies in your ability to recognize the space between coaching and delegating. When managers coach, everyone benefits - you, your team and your company. It’s especially helpful when people are taking on new...
Team Development Is a Key Leadership Responsibility
Too many talented individuals get overlooked when managers don't view development as their responsibility. Unfortunately, there’s a common misbelief that the best way to get talent is to go out and hire “winners.” Or perhaps you heard you need to “get the right people...
Want Your Team More Engaged? Remove the Weapons of Mass Distraction
Guest Post by Victor Prince I used to be a “busy executive” with two phones strapped to my belt in the office – one for work and one for personal use. In most meetings, I put the phones on the table in front of me so I could see if I had any incoming messages. After...
Team Alignment Is For the Birds!
Do an Internet search for team alignment and you’ll find plenty of articles – why your team needs to be aligned for superior performance, how to align your team, and what alignment looks like. And you’ll see images like these to depict high performance teams. Team...
Are You a First-Time Manager? 6 Tips to Start Off Right
Are you ready to be a first-time manager? Perhaps you’ve had some bad managers in the past, and you think this is your chance to do it right. Well, it IS your chance to do it right. But you can’t wing it. Research reveals that nearly 60 percent of first-time managers...
4 Dangers of Digital Communication and 8 Tips to Avoid Them
Guest post by Naphtali Hoff It’s no surprise that we use email and text for so many of our communications. It’s often faster, it’s neater, and it can easily be saved for future reference without paper sifting and clutter. Digital communication allows us to send and...