Neuroscience, Mindware and Influential Leadership
Emergent Leadership Topples the Pyramid

A real vision is lived, not framed.Does your team share a real vision? Is it being lived? Does it make a difference?

Answer these 10 questions to find out how effective your vision is.

Get a reality check. Ask everyone on your team to rate the vision and discuss your answers. It’s a non-threatening way to launch a powerful team discussion.

(There’s a link to a free online version of this assessment at the bottom of this article.)


Rate each of the questions below on a 1 – 5 scale. Then total your responses to get your Score.
Next read the section “What Your Score Means” to understand your Score and get ideas to help your team.

Rating Scale

  1. = Rarely
  2. = Occasionally
  3. = Sometimes
  4. = Usually
  5. = Almost always

Team Vision Questions

1. Does everyone on your team share the same vision?

2. Are team members excited, inspired and motivated?

3. Does everyone understand and agree on your team’s purpose?

4. Can you see the picture of what success looks like?

5. Do you have stated values that guide decisions?

6. Do you hold each other accountable for behaving consistently with the team’s values?

7. Does your vision help you identify priorities?

8. How often do team members discuss the big picture and how daily activities support your vision?

9. How often do you track where you are in relation to your vision and change course if needed?

10. Can each person see how they contribute to achieving the vision?

Get Your Score

Total your answers for each of the questions to get your Score

What Your Score Means

Score 45 – 50 = MOBILIZED

You have created a compelling vision that is energizing, provides focus and sets direction. You are clear about where you are going and what values guide your journey. Check it out and make sure others are as clear and as excited as you think they are.

Score 39 – 44 = FORMING

You have the beginnings of a powerful vision but there is more work to be done. You need more clarity, more excitement and/or engagement of others. Keep working on getting people aligned around the vision and you will see an energized and focused workforce emerge.

Score 30 – 38  = TYPICAL

You live in a typical organization. Some people may be clear about where they are going, but there is no shared sense of direction. Although you may be accomplishing work, there is a lot of wasted effort. Work often needs to be redone because leaders change their minds or were not clear in their communications in the first place. People are juggling multiple concerns and trying to “do it all” because priorities are not clear.

Score 29 or less = UNFOCUSED

If work is getting done, ask “at what cost?” You and your people are in danger of “burning out.” Individuals may care deeply, but there is no collective mindset or vision to align them around something greater than their daily tasks.

How do others on your team rate your team?

The real power comes when everyone on your team answers these questions and you discuss your responses.

  • What are the similarities and differences?
  • Where do you need more clarity or agreement?
  • What is one thing you can each do that will improve your team’s score?

It’s not an excuse to say, “My company doesn’t have a vision, so my team can’t have one.” Vision can start anywhere in an organization. Focus on your own sphere of influence. This is where you have the greatest opportunity to create a shared vision.

Free Online Version of the Assessment

Click on the picture below to access the free online version.

Click to test vision

Neuroscience, Mindware and Influential Leadership
Emergent Leadership Topples the Pyramid

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