Prepare for Creative Tension or It May Cloud Your Vision
5 Ways Millennials Will Shape the Future of Work

Pride of Lions

The assumption that change has to start at the top is wrong. You don’t have to wait for senior leaders to make it a better place.

Managers don’t have to wait for senior management to start a process of organizational revitalization. ~Michael Beer

The first step in building shared vision is to give up the traditional notion that vision is always announced from “on high.” ~Peter Senge

Begin within your own sphere of influence.

Where do you have the greatest influence? Most likely within your own team. Consider the widest sphere that you can impact. This is the place to start.

Take responsibility to provide leadership.

Leadership is more than just good management practices. Leadership is about going somewhere.

Where do you want to go?

You don’t need to figure this out all by yourself. If you want to go somewhere with others, involve them in the discussion. Take time out from the daily frenzy of activity to sit back and consider the big picture, to dream together about what might be possible.

4 Important Leadership Questions to Discuss With Your Team

1) What is our purpose? What is the value of the service we provide?

2) What would we look like if we were magnificent at fulfilling our purpose?

3) What would we accomplish? What results would we see that would demonstrate it?

4) What would our relationships look like? With each other on the team and with other departments? How would we work together? What would be happening and not be happening?

You have more power than you think.

Through these discussions you will discover more commonalities and shared dreams than you might have thought. It is possible to create a team that shines, even within a dull organization. And when others begin to notice the sparkle, they just might ask how you did it and give it a try themselves.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

Prepare for Creative Tension or It May Cloud Your Vision
5 Ways Millennials Will Shape the Future of Work

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