2012 in Review – My Top 10 Blog Posts
As 2012 draws to a close, I have taken the opportunity to sit by the warm fire on this snowing New England Sunday and identify my top ten posts of the year. I decided the top posts would be selected by my readers - by whether they felt a post was important enough to...
Pause, The Moment of Between
It is the winter solstice – the darkest day of the darkest week of the year in the northern hemisphere. It is the moment before the balance shifts and light begins to overtake darkness. The darkness has been particularly difficult this week, in the face of...
Feeling Pain and Taking Action
With a heavy heart and prayers for the grieving Sandy Hook families and the Newtown community, I have taken a break from blogging and regular online conversation these last few days. Throughout Connecticut we are in shock and devastated. This is a small state and not...
Employee Engagement –It’s Not About Them, It’s About You
Guest post by David O'Brien Ray was quite frustrated with his team and their apparent lack of engagement. After listening for almost 15 minutes to a litany of problems caused by their carelessness and lack of follow through, I asked what he wanted. He explained that...
First Engage Yourself: 7 Ways to Increase Your Own Engagement and Satisfaction
It's been over 10 years since the dismal results of the Gallup employee engagement study were first reported by Marcus Buckingham. Since then, the term "employee engagement" has become common place. With such a strong focus on its importance and over a decade to...
12 Things Collaborative Leaders Do
Collaborative leaders create communities where people unite around a common purpose and values, working collaboratively to accomplish a shared vision that makes a powerful and positive impact. Their job is to champion the vision, provide resources and remove...
8 Things Collaborative Leaders Know
Are you a collaborative leader? Collaborative leaders understand that organizations are networks of relationships and that relationships are the glue that holds them together. Anyone can be collaborative leader — no matter whether you are the president, a mid-level...
No More Finger Pointing – It’s Time to Rise Above the Negativity and Reconnect
I am hopeful for our planet. I believe we have the capacity for unity and great goodness. I am disturbed by the animosity, anxiety, and polarization surrounding the 2012 elections here in the United States. This election is not about a cause that people care deeply...
How to Surface and Align Team Values
These questions and guidelines will help you surface the right values for your team. Team values don’t need to be exactly the same as your company values, as long as they are aligned and don’t conflict.
To Create an Enduring Vision, Values Must Support Purpose
“Vision is a clearly articulated, results-oriented picture of a future you intend to create. It is a dream with direction.” In short, vision is a combination of three basic elements: 1) a significant purpose, reason for existence, 2) a clear picture of the future, and...
Create a Vision With Staying Power – Part 2
There are three elements of a compelling vision. In my last blog post, I discussed the first element – having a significant purpose. The second element of a compelling vision is a clear picture of the future. There is tremendous power in holding a picture in your mind...
Create a Vision With Staying Power
An Effective Vision Does More Than Simply Show Where You're Going “Vision” is one of the most commonly used and most widely misunderstood terms. There's a tremendous amount of power in a vision. But unfortunately when the term is not used or understood correctly, we...