Stop Waiting for Someone Else to Provide Leadership
The assumption that change has to start at the top is wrong. You don't have to wait for senior leaders to make it a better place. Managers don’t have to wait for senior management to start a process of organizational revitalization. ~Michael Beer The first step in...
Prepare for Creative Tension or It May Cloud Your Vision
The team was excited and energized. They had created a vision that would lead to the breakthrough they had been looking for. They set goals and identified next steps, roles and communications. They had a great plan and the means to achieve it. All set, right? Wrong....
Ten Tips for Delegating – The Best Time Management Tool
Jerome said his biggest problem was time management. He was overloaded, deadlines were getting missed, and he was stressed. Managing his team was his biggest time drain. "When they ask me questions, I get stuck spending time with them instead of doing my own work. And...
Three Counterintuitive Tips To Enhance Your Creativity
Guest Post by David Burkus We live and work in a world of complex problems, and few people would argue that we can solve those problems without a lot of creativity. Creativity is the seed of innovation and, in the business world, innovation is the seed of competitive...
How Important Is Vision in Leadership? The Question is the Answer
When I published my Value of Vision series, I had no idea I had done something unusual. I am concerned about the current lack of interest around vision in leadership, and I had hoped that publishing a series of views from a variety of experts might help boost the...
What Brain Science Can Teach Us About Leadership
Much of your brain is hardwired from birth. Our primitive reflexes make us hyper-alert for bad news. Our brains detect negative information faster than positive information, and we have a stronger memory for painful experiences than pleasurable ones. This hardwiring...
The Carnival of HR
Welcome to The Carnival of HR. This is one of my favorite carnivals, and I am delighted to host this edition. We have been treated to a wonderful lineup of thought-provoking posts on leadership, workforce practices and talent development, and building relationships....
The Most Important Risk in Life: Be You
Guest Post by Doug Sundheim Things work better when you’re being you. You’re not wasting time trying to live up to some conjured-up ideal of perfection. You’re not trying to be all things to all people. Consequently, you have more energy to focus on other...
Why Good Teams Make Bad Decisions
Did you ever watch in dismay as a good team began to make a series of bad decisions? It can happen with any kind of team – a work team, sports team, political team, or volunteer team… in any kind of setting – business, government, school, non-profit. Here's what...
How To Write a Mission Statement in 5 Steps
A mission statement is a brief statement that explains your reason for existence or purpose - what you want to accomplish. A good mission statement helps guide you in determining your products and services because it answers the question “why?” and helps...
A tweet, a blog post, and a profound teaching
What's the best length for a blog post? Mine are usually between 500 to 800 words. However, through the discipline of writing tweets, I have discovered that it is quite possible to communicate an important concept in 160 characters or less. A Talmudic...
Fear of Learning
Guest post by Chip Bell Fear is as personal as a fingerprint. I have a daredevil friend whose idea of a fun Saturday afternoon is to ski off the top of a steep mountain after being transported to the peak by a helicopter. The thought of that makes me break out in a...