by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Goals, Vision and Strategy |
I once heard that in order to reach the moon, NASA made over a thousand mid-course corrections. At first I was surprised. If you know where you’re going, why not just plot the course, like they do on Star Trek? But then I realized it’s a perfect metaphor for a...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Picture of the Future, Purpose, Values, Vision and Strategy |
. . . .. .. What makes a vision work? Why do some visions galvanize people toward great achievement while others cause your eyes to glaze over? What all great visions have in common is they provide an answer to these three questions: 1) Destination: Where are we...
by Jesse Lyn Stoner | Leadership, Picture of the Future, Purpose, Team Effectiveness, Vision and Strategy |
The year was 1961. President Kennedy announced the United States would land a man on the moon and return him safely before the end of the decade. He painted an audacious picture, considering NASA had not yet invented the necessary technology. Ten years later, through...