About Seapoint Center
Founded by Jesse Lyn Stoner, Seapoint Center is a network of leadership experts dedicated to helping leaders create collaborative teams, organizations and communities that make a powerful and positive impact on the world.
About Jesse Lyn Stoner| How We Work | Our Vision | Our Beliefs | Our Team
How We Work
We work in partnership with you to identify issues and solutions. You are the expert on your life and organization, and we are experts at a process to help you clarify what you want, to identify the obstacles, to create a plan and to make it actionable. If you are looking for someone to come in, do an analysis and leave you with a report on what you should do, we are not the right group. We roll up our sleeves and work collaboratively with you.
Our Vision
Our work is dedicated to helping create workplaces where people bring their whole selves to their work, respect each other and work collaboratively… so that collectively they achieve their full potential and “accomplish the impossible” while contributing to the greater good.
Our Values
- Be open, honest, and forthcoming.
- Seek and face the truth.
- Say what you mean; mean what you say.
- Engage through bringing our expertise and utilizing the expertise of others.
- Seek new ideas and approaches.
- Assume responsibility to communicate in ways that can be heard and understood.
- Embrace diversity and actively seek to understand all perspectives..
- Hold the highest standards of professionalism, skills and knowledge.
- Meet our commitments to clients and all stakeholders
- Learn from our successes and our mistakes.
- Contribute to creating a healthy, sustainable world
- Help improve communities and the global environment
Our Beliefs
We have better results when we involve others. When we really collaborate, not only are the results better but we also feel more connected.
People want to participate. When they are given an opportunity to participate, they bring their whole selves.
Diversity is a necessity. When diverse perspectives are combined, discussions are richer, more robust, and more relevant and we find better solutions.
The boundaries we create are artificial. When we remove them, we see we are all citizens of this planet and have a shared responsibility to shepherd it and support our evolution to fulfill our potential as human beings.
The images we hold manifest. It is important to create and hold positive images for our ourselves, our work, our planet and humankind.