Benchmarks of Team Excellence
Benchmarks of Team Excellence (Facilitator Guide and Questionnaire) is a popular assessment that measures to what extent your team or department is aligned around a shared vision that inspires excitement and commitment and has effective team processes to achieve it. The assessment is statistically valid, with strong reliability. For more information, click here.
The Full Steam Ahead Field Guide
The Full Steam Ahead! Field Guide provides all the information you need to facilitate a retreat for a team – agenda, detailed facilitation instructions, and PowerPoint. Facilitate the process for a group to create a shared vision for their team, department or organization. Identify the strategies to capture it, agree on the next steps to make it a reality, and make personal leadership commitments. For information, contact: info @ seapointcenter . com
Full Steam Ahead! Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Work and Your Life, 2nd Edition